

Sophisticated Jewels: This program focus on the girl’s personal and professional development while reflecting on the importance of passing all classes in school. The classes within this program focus on the core of the organization; class, unity, and empowerment. Within this program there are two work shops:

  • Artistic Pearls: This workshop focus on bringing each individual’s artistic side out and exposing them to different opportunities.
  • S.T.E.M. of Diamonds: S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) of Diamonds is created to encourage young girls/women to be bold and become a part of the male dominated professional occupations.


Royal Gems: This program teaches discipline while building and maintaining a level of self-esteem. (FOR PRIVATE SESSIONS PLEASE CONTACT THE FOUNDER UNDER THE CONTACT TAB)


Crown of Beauty: Crown of Beauty is a leadership/scholarship program that acknowledges the young ladies that have executed the meaning of BEAUTY. This is geared toward  juniors and seniors in high school. 

>Grades will be submitted throughout the school year to see how the young ladies are doing in school.